
Hey Start-up Founders! We need to talk...

ASCS is excited to launch a new program "The Start-up Culture: For Founders and CEOs” . This is a no fluff, no nonsense online course for founders and co-founders of startups, which is 80% practical tools and 20% theory. Please see below some golden nuggets of advice based on that course. 

Hey start-up founders, you probably know it, but let us remind you. Except for yourself and the co-founder, nobody cares in the company about the success of your startup as much as you do.

Your parents surely care, and most likely the partner. Investors care to some extent, depending on how many other projects they have to dilute the risk of your failure. Those who you want to care most, your people, they care about other things. Most often these things have nothing to do with your start-up. The only sure way to make sure people start caring is making them believe what you believe.

Sounds abstract, we know. The 5 steps below might help get things started: 
  1. Acknowledge that if you let culture “just happen”, one day you might hate the end result. Fixing the culture later is much more difficult than getting it right straight from the beginning
  2. Accept that culture is one of the few things you cannot delegate. Without deliberate and consistent effort of the founder, any culture shaping initiative will be no more than window dressing. No external consultant, mentor or HR support will manage to do it, if you are not personally and fully involved.   
  3. Train self-reflection. No person in the company has a comparable influence over the nature of a culture as the founder does. Your personality, mindset and the belief system influence the type of culture you create. Work with a psychotherapist or life coach to help you increase self-awareness. 
  4. If you understand what people truly want you can save lots of money on perks. Beyond money or as a matter of fact, any material rewards, people want dignity - a sense their life is worth living, a decent job with path and progress, nice family, and a meaningful integration in the society. Show them how their work is directly impacting the company, and how the company is making a difference in the world. In other words, give them purpose. 
  5. Purpose definition is your personal challenge. If you did not go through major life crises, defining a personal purpose is difficult and might take you outside of your comfort zone. People, especially in young and small companies connect best with the founder's personal purpose. What’s your story? Why are you here? What for? Create togetherness with your team behind common ideals, values and beliefs. 

And eventually more and more people will care. Really care. 

To register for this course please click here
2022-01-12 12:33 Articles